
How to choose your medical assisting niche

HealthcareOctober 01, 2021

10月20日是医疗助理日,这是一个向医疗保健中最多才多艺的角色之一致敬的日子. From confirming appointments and checking in patients, to taking vitals, recording medical histories, and drawing blood, medical assistants perform a wide range of tasks. 如果你喜欢多样性和选择,这可能是最适合你的工作. 

“全州职业学院的医疗辅助英国正版365官方网站让学生获得现实世界的技能, designed to help them secure and advance their careers. 我们教授的技能侧重于动手实践技术,以提高您的临床能力,并建立知识基础,为学习者准备各种临床环境," says Corey M. 丹尼斯,护理学院和模拟协调员在埃辛顿,宾夕法尼亚州的职业生涯. 

“医疗辅助是一项综合性、多任务性的职业, 主要目的是使一个人有资格协助医生, nurses, 让他或她能够处理特定的临床和管理任务,” says Dr. Ahmed Attia's, a biology professor at St. Paul School of Nursing in Staten Island, NY.

As a medical assisting graduate, you’ll have a variety of potential employers, including physicians’ offices, hospitals, and outpatient care centers. Or you can choose to focus on a specific niche.

Department Niche

你可以选择关注的一个领域是医学的某个领域. 例如,你可以在儿科、产科、眼科或皮肤科工作.  

加布里埃尔·霍尔德,圣. Paul School of Nursing’s Queens (NY) campus, 说学生在实习期间会对自己喜欢的专业有更好的了解.

“很多时候,学生们说他们想和孩子们一起工作,直到他们和孩子们一起工作, or they like OB until they do it,” he says. “选择你的专业通常归结为根据物流选择他们想要合作的办公室, time, and distance.” 

Task specialties

You can also become specialized on a certain task. 最受欢迎的职位之一是认证抽血师学位, 在成功通过教学和实践的静脉切开术课程后,哪些是可能的, including a state licensure exam. 

If cardiology is of interest to you, Attia says a popular niche is EKG, 哪种测试有助于诊断肺部和心脏疾病. 学生参加全面的心电图课程,然后参加执照考试,成为认证的心电图技术员. 

Administrative specialties

如果病人或实验室工作不是你的强项,你也可以从事更多的行政工作. 医疗助理学生还可以学习诸如医疗账单和编码以及电子健康记录等课程,以获得在医疗机构管理行政和临床职位的资格. 

这些角色发生在幕后,对于医疗机构的高效运行非常重要. 医疗计费员确保保险公司正确计费,而医疗编码员确保程序正确记录和编码. And, 管理职位包括维护健康记录, scheduling appointments, and handling customer service interactions.

Choosing the right niche

As part of the medical assistant program, 学生将接受所有医学专业方面的培训, such as performing an EKG, drawing blood, assisting in minor surgery, and working in pediatrics. 


如果你想要关于选择利基的建议,阿提亚建议咨询一下教员.  “他们通常很了解自己的学生,也知道他们的优缺点, which would appear obviously in the class,” says Attia. “教师可以通过讲解重要的话题来指导和引导学生, working on their weak points, and showing them the privileges in the career, that could be considered for their choices, in the other hand, students should study hard and trust their faculties, 向他们展示他们对课堂感兴趣,有学习和实现目标的热情.”

阿提亚说,当你看到自己的表现有所改善时,你就会知道自己做出了正确的选择. “When you feel that your experience is being thriving, 特别是当你能够在不寻求帮助的情况下处理问题时, here you are on the right track,” he says.

如果成为一名专业的医疗助理听起来是一个吸引你的职业选择, 富通可以通过良好的教育帮助你走上成功之路. 点击这里了解更多有关该计划的信息,或致电1-855-436-7847与顾问讨论如何从今天开始!   富通学院和研究所,全州职业学校和St. 保罗护理学院是包括丹佛护理学院在内的高等教育学校网络的一部分.